Oscar settings

This is a comprehensive list of all the settings Oscar provides. All settings are optional.

Display settings


Default: 'Oscar'

The name of your e-commerce shop site. This is shown as the main logo within the default templates.


Default: ''

The tagline that is displayed next to the shop name and in the browser title.


Default: reverse_lazy('promotions:home')

URL of home page of your site. This value is used for Home link in navigation and redirection page after logout. Useful if you use a different app to serve your homepage.


Default: 'customer:profile-view'

Oscar has a view that gets called any time the user clicks on ‘My account’ or similar. By default it’s a dumb redirect to the view configured with this setting. But you could also override the view to display a more useful account summary page or such like.


Default: 20

The number of recently viewed products to store.


Defaults: []

Allows to disable particular Oscar feature in application and templates. More information in the How to disable an app or feature document.


A dictionary that specifies the facets to use with the search backend. It needs to be a dict with keys fields and queries for field- and query-type facets. Field-type facets can get an ‘options’ element with parameters like facet sorting, filtering, etc. The default is:

    'fields': OrderedDict([
        ('product_class', {'name': _('Type'), 'field': 'product_class'}),
        ('rating', {'name': _('Rating'), 'field': 'rating'}),
    'queries': OrderedDict([
             'name': _('Price range'),
             'field': 'price',
             'queries': [
                 # This is a list of (name, query) tuples where the name will
                 # be displayed on the front-end.
                 (_('0 to 20'), u'[0 TO 20]'),
                 (_('20 to 40'), u'[20 TO 40]'),
                 (_('40 to 60'), u'[40 TO 60]'),
                 (_('60+'), u'[60 TO *]'),


The search handler to be used in the product list views. If None, Oscar tries to guess the correct handler based on your Haystack settings.





                             ('right', 'Right-hand sidebar'),
                             ('left', 'Left-hand sidebar'))

The choice of display locations available when editing a promotion. Only useful when using a new set of templates.



    'Countdown', 'List', 'SingleProduct', 'TabbedBlock')
    (COUNTDOWN, "Vertical list"),
    (LIST, "Horizontal list"),
    (TABBED_BLOCK, "Tabbed block"),
    (SINGLE_PRODUCT, "Single product"),

Defines the available promotion block types that can be used in Oscar.


Default: see oscar.defaults (too long to include here).

A list of dashboard navigation elements. Usage is explained in How to configure the dashboard navigation.


Default: 'oscar.apps.dashboard.nav.default_access_fn'

OSCAR_DASHBOARD_NAVIGATION allows passing an access function for each node which is used to determine whether to show the node for a specific user or not. If no access function is defined, the function specified here is used. The default function integrates with the permission-based dashboard and shows the node if the user will be able to access it. That should be sufficient for most cases.

Order settings


The initial status used when a new order is submitted. This has to be a status that is defined in the OSCAR_ORDER_STATUS_PIPELINE.


The status assigned to a line item when it is created as part of an new order. It has to be a status defined in OSCAR_LINE_STATUS_PIPELINE.


Default: {}

The pipeline defines the statuses that an order or line item can have and what transitions are allowed in any given status. The pipeline is defined as a dictionary where the keys are the available statuses. Allowed transitions are defined as iterable values for the corresponding status.

A sample pipeline (as used in the Oscar sandbox) might look like this:

    'Pending': ('Being processed', 'Cancelled',),
    'Being processed': ('Processed', 'Cancelled',),
    'Cancelled': (),


This defines a mapping of status changes for order lines which ‘cascade’ down from an order status change.

For example:

    'Being processed': 'In progress'

With this mapping, when an order has it’s status set to ‘Being processed’, all lines within it have their status set to ‘In progress’. In a sense, the status change cascades down to the related objects.

Note that this cascade ignores restrictions from the OSCAR_LINE_STATUS_PIPELINE.


Default: {}

Same as OSCAR_ORDER_STATUS_PIPELINE but for lines.

Checkout settings


Default: False

Specifies if an anonymous user can buy products without creating an account first. If set to False users are required to authenticate before they can checkout (using Oscar’s default checkout views).


Default: ('first_name', 'last_name', 'line1', 'line4', 'postcode', 'country')

List of form fields that a user has to fill out to validate an address field.

Review settings


Default: True

This setting defines whether an anonymous user can create a review for a product without registering first. If it is set to True anonymous users can create product reviews.


Default: False

This defines whether reviews have to be moderated before they are publicly available. If set to False a review created by a customer is immediately visible on the product page.

Communication settings


Default: True

This enables sending alert notifications/emails instantly when products get back in stock by listening to stock record update signals this might impact performance for large numbers stock record updates. Alternatively, the management command oscar_send_alerts can be used to run periodically, e.g. as a cronjob. In this case instant alerts should be disabled.


Default: True

Sending out welcome messages to a user after they have registered on the site can be enabled or disabled using this setting. Setting it to True will send out emails on registration.


Default: oscar@example.com

The email address used as the sender for all communication events and emails handled by Oscar.


Default: None

A URL which is passed into the templates for communication events. It is not used in Oscar’s default templates but could be used to include static assets (eg images) in a HTML email template.

Offer settings


Default: Round down to the nearest hundredth of a unit using decimal.Decimal.quantize

A function responsible for rounding decimal amounts when offer discount calculations don’t lead to legitimate currency values.

Basket settings


Default: None

The maximum number of products that can be added to a basket at once.

Currency settings


Default: GBP

This should be the symbol of the currency you wish Oscar to use by default. This will be used by the currency templatetag.


Default: None

Dictionary with arguments for the format_currency function from the Babel library. Contains next options: format, format_type, currency_digits. For example:

    'USD': {
        'currency_digits': False,
        'format_type': "accounting",
    'EUR': {
        'format': u'#,##0\xa0¤',

Upload/media settings


Default: images/products/%Y/%m/

The location within the MEDIA_ROOT folder that is used to store product images. The folder name can contain date format strings as described in the Django Docs.


Default: True

If enabled, a post_delete hook will attempt to delete any image files and created thumbnails when a model with an ImageField is deleted. This is usually desired, but might not be what you want when using a remote storage.


Default: images/promotions/

The folder within MEDIA_ROOT used for uploaded promotion images.


Default: image_not_found.jpg

Copy this image from oscar/static/img to your MEDIA_ROOT folder. It needs to be there so Sorl can resize it.


Default: /tmp

The folder is used to temporarily hold uploaded files until they are processed. Such files should always be deleted afterwards.

Slug settings


Default: {}

A dictionary to map strings to more readable versions for including in URL slugs. This mapping is appled before the slugify function. This is useful when names contain characters which would normally be stripped. For instance:

    'c++': 'cpp',
    'f#': 'fsharp',


Default: 'oscar.core.utils.default_slugifier'

The slugify function to use. Note that is used within Oscar’s slugify wrapper (in oscar.core.utils) which applies the custom map and blacklist. String notation is recommended, but specifying a callable is supported for backwards-compatibility.


# in myproject.utils
def some_slugify(value):
    return value

# in settings.py
OSCAR_SLUG_FUNCTION = 'myproject.utils.some_slugify'


Default: []

A list of words to exclude from slugs.


OSCAR_SLUG_BLACKLIST = ['the', 'a', 'but']


Default: False

Allows unicode characters in slugs generated by AutoSlugField, which is supported by the underlying SlugField in Django>=1.9.

Misc settings


Default: ['oscar_recently_viewed_products',]

Which cookies to delete automatically when the user logs out.


Tracking ID for Google Analytics tracking code, available as google_analytics_id in the template context. If setting is set, enables Universal Analytics tracking code for page views and transactions.


Allows to use raw LESS styles directly. Refer to LESS/CSS document for more details.


Default: False

A flag to control whether Oscar’s CSV writer should prepend a byte order mark (BOM) to CSV files that are encoded in UTF-8. Useful for compatibility with some CSV readers, Microsoft Excel in particular.