Source code for oscar.apps.order.abstract_models

import hashlib
from collections import OrderedDict
from decimal import Decimal as D

from django.conf import settings
from django.db import models
from django.db.models import Sum
from django.utils import timezone
from django.utils.encoding import python_2_unicode_compatible
from django.utils.timezone import now
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _
from django.utils.translation import pgettext_lazy

from oscar.core.compat import AUTH_USER_MODEL
from oscar.core.loading import get_model
from oscar.core.utils import get_default_currency
from oscar.models.fields import AutoSlugField

from . import exceptions

[docs]class AbstractOrder(models.Model): """ The main order model """ number = models.CharField( _("Order number"), max_length=128, db_index=True, unique=True) # We track the site that each order is placed within site = models.ForeignKey( 'sites.Site', verbose_name=_("Site"), null=True, on_delete=models.SET_NULL) basket = models.ForeignKey( 'basket.Basket', verbose_name=_("Basket"), null=True, blank=True, on_delete=models.SET_NULL) # Orders can be placed without the user authenticating so we don't always # have a customer ID. user = models.ForeignKey( AUTH_USER_MODEL, related_name='orders', null=True, blank=True, verbose_name=_("User"), on_delete=models.SET_NULL) # Billing address is not always required (eg paying by gift card) billing_address = models.ForeignKey( 'order.BillingAddress', null=True, blank=True, verbose_name=_("Billing Address"), on_delete=models.SET_NULL) # Total price looks like it could be calculated by adding up the # prices of the associated lines, but in some circumstances extra # order-level charges are added and so we need to store it separately currency = models.CharField( _("Currency"), max_length=12, default=get_default_currency) total_incl_tax = models.DecimalField( _("Order total (inc. tax)"), decimal_places=2, max_digits=12) total_excl_tax = models.DecimalField( _("Order total (excl. tax)"), decimal_places=2, max_digits=12) # Shipping charges shipping_incl_tax = models.DecimalField( _("Shipping charge (inc. tax)"), decimal_places=2, max_digits=12, default=0) shipping_excl_tax = models.DecimalField( _("Shipping charge (excl. tax)"), decimal_places=2, max_digits=12, default=0) # Not all lines are actually shipped (such as downloads), hence shipping # address is not mandatory. shipping_address = models.ForeignKey( 'order.ShippingAddress', null=True, blank=True, verbose_name=_("Shipping Address"), on_delete=models.SET_NULL) shipping_method = models.CharField( _("Shipping method"), max_length=128, blank=True) # Identifies shipping code shipping_code = models.CharField(blank=True, max_length=128, default="") # Use this field to indicate that an order is on hold / awaiting payment status = models.CharField(_("Status"), max_length=100, blank=True) guest_email = models.EmailField(_("Guest email address"), blank=True) # Index added to this field for reporting date_placed = models.DateTimeField(db_index=True) #: Order status pipeline. This should be a dict where each (key, value) #: #: corresponds to a status and a list of possible statuses that can follow #: that one. pipeline = getattr(settings, 'OSCAR_ORDER_STATUS_PIPELINE', {}) #: Order status cascade pipeline. This should be a dict where each (key, #: value) pair corresponds to an *order* status and the corresponding #: *line* status that needs to be set when the order is set to the new #: status cascade = getattr(settings, 'OSCAR_ORDER_STATUS_CASCADE', {}) @classmethod
[docs] def all_statuses(cls): """ Return all possible statuses for an order """ return list(cls.pipeline.keys())
[docs] def available_statuses(self): """ Return all possible statuses that this order can move to """ return self.pipeline.get(self.status, ())
[docs] def set_status(self, new_status): """ Set a new status for this order. If the requested status is not valid, then ``InvalidOrderStatus`` is raised. """ if new_status == self.status: return if new_status not in self.available_statuses(): raise exceptions.InvalidOrderStatus( _("'%(new_status)s' is not a valid status for order %(number)s" " (current status: '%(status)s')") % {'new_status': new_status, 'number': self.number, 'status': self.status}) self.status = new_status if new_status in self.cascade: for line in self.lines.all(): line.status = self.cascade[self.status]
set_status.alters_data = True @property def is_anonymous(self): # It's possible for an order to be placed by a customer who then # deletes their profile. Hence, we need to check that a guest email is # set. return self.user is None and bool(self.guest_email) @property def basket_total_before_discounts_incl_tax(self): """ Return basket total including tax but before discounts are applied """ total = D('0.00') for line in self.lines.all(): total += line.line_price_before_discounts_incl_tax return total @property def basket_total_before_discounts_excl_tax(self): """ Return basket total excluding tax but before discounts are applied """ total = D('0.00') for line in self.lines.all(): total += line.line_price_before_discounts_excl_tax return total @property def basket_total_incl_tax(self): """ Return basket total including tax """ return self.total_incl_tax - self.shipping_incl_tax @property def basket_total_excl_tax(self): """ Return basket total excluding tax """ return self.total_excl_tax - self.shipping_excl_tax @property def total_before_discounts_incl_tax(self): return (self.basket_total_before_discounts_incl_tax + self.shipping_incl_tax) @property def total_before_discounts_excl_tax(self): return (self.basket_total_before_discounts_excl_tax + self.shipping_excl_tax) @property def total_discount_incl_tax(self): """ The amount of discount this order received """ discount = D('0.00') for line in self.lines.all(): discount += line.discount_incl_tax return discount @property def total_discount_excl_tax(self): discount = D('0.00') for line in self.lines.all(): discount += line.discount_excl_tax return discount @property def total_tax(self): return self.total_incl_tax - self.total_excl_tax @property def num_lines(self): return self.lines.count() @property def num_items(self): """ Returns the number of items in this order. """ num_items = 0 for line in self.lines.all(): num_items += line.quantity return num_items @property def shipping_tax(self): return self.shipping_incl_tax - self.shipping_excl_tax @property def shipping_status(self): """Return the last complete shipping event for this order.""" # As safeguard against identical timestamps, also sort by the primary # key. It's not recommended to rely on this behaviour, but in practice # reasonably safe if PKs are not manually set. events = self.shipping_events.order_by('-date_created', '-pk').all() if not len(events): return '' # Collect all events by event-type event_map = OrderedDict() for event in events: event_name = if event_name not in event_map: event_map[event_name] = [] event_map[event_name].extend(list(event.line_quantities.all())) # Determine last complete event status = _("In progress") for event_name, event_line_quantities in event_map.items(): if self._is_event_complete(event_line_quantities): return event_name return status @property def has_shipping_discounts(self): return len(self.shipping_discounts) > 0 @property def shipping_before_discounts_incl_tax(self): # We can construct what shipping would have been before discounts by # adding the discounts back onto the final shipping charge. total = D('0.00') for discount in self.shipping_discounts: total += discount.amount return self.shipping_incl_tax + total def _is_event_complete(self, event_quantities): # Form map of line to quantity event_map = {} for event_quantity in event_quantities: line_id = event_quantity.line_id event_map.setdefault(line_id, 0) event_map[line_id] += event_quantity.quantity for line in self.lines.all(): if event_map.get(, 0) != line.quantity: return False return True class Meta: abstract = True app_label = 'order' ordering = ['-date_placed'] verbose_name = _("Order") verbose_name_plural = _("Orders") def __str__(self): return u"#%s" % (self.number,) def verification_hash(self): key = '%s%s' % (self.number, settings.SECRET_KEY) hash = hashlib.md5(key.encode('utf8')) return hash.hexdigest() @property def email(self): if not self.user: return self.guest_email return @property def basket_discounts(self): # This includes both offer- and voucher- discounts. For orders we # don't need to treat them differently like we do for baskets. return self.discounts.filter( category=AbstractOrderDiscount.BASKET) @property def shipping_discounts(self): return self.discounts.filter( category=AbstractOrderDiscount.SHIPPING) @property def post_order_actions(self): return self.discounts.filter( category=AbstractOrderDiscount.DEFERRED) def set_date_placed_default(self): if self.date_placed is None: self.date_placed = now() def save(self, *args, **kwargs): # Ensure the date_placed field works as it auto_now_add was set. But # this gives us the ability to set the date_placed explicitly (which is # useful when importing orders from another system). self.set_date_placed_default() super(AbstractOrder, self).save(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]class AbstractOrderNote(models.Model): """ A note against an order. This are often used for audit purposes too. IE, whenever an admin makes a change to an order, we create a note to record what happened. """ order = models.ForeignKey('order.Order', related_name="notes", verbose_name=_("Order")) # These are sometimes programatically generated so don't need a # user everytime user = models.ForeignKey(AUTH_USER_MODEL, null=True, verbose_name=_("User")) # We allow notes to be classified although this isn't always needed INFO, WARNING, ERROR, SYSTEM = 'Info', 'Warning', 'Error', 'System' note_type = models.CharField(_("Note Type"), max_length=128, blank=True) message = models.TextField(_("Message")) date_created = models.DateTimeField(_("Date Created"), auto_now_add=True) date_updated = models.DateTimeField(_("Date Updated"), auto_now=True) # Notes can only be edited for 5 minutes after being created editable_lifetime = 300 class Meta: abstract = True app_label = 'order' verbose_name = _("Order Note") verbose_name_plural = _("Order Notes") def __str__(self): return u"'%s' (%s)" % (self.message[0:50], self.user) def is_editable(self): if self.note_type == self.SYSTEM: return False delta = - self.date_updated return delta.seconds < self.editable_lifetime
[docs]class AbstractCommunicationEvent(models.Model): """ An order-level event involving a communication to the customer, such as an confirmation email being sent. """ order = models.ForeignKey( 'order.Order', related_name="communication_events", verbose_name=_("Order")) event_type = models.ForeignKey( 'customer.CommunicationEventType', verbose_name=_("Event Type")) date_created = models.DateTimeField(_("Date"), auto_now_add=True) class Meta: abstract = True app_label = 'order' verbose_name = _("Communication Event") verbose_name_plural = _("Communication Events") ordering = ['-date_created'] def __str__(self): return _("'%(type)s' event for order #%(number)s") \ % {'type':, 'number': self.order.number}
# LINES @python_2_unicode_compatible
[docs]class AbstractLine(models.Model): """ An order line """ order = models.ForeignKey( 'order.Order', related_name='lines', verbose_name=_("Order")) # PARTNER INFORMATION # ------------------- # We store the partner and various detail their SKU and the title for cases # where the product has been deleted from the catalogue (but we still need # the data for reporting). We also store the partner name in case the # partner gets deleted at a later date. partner = models.ForeignKey( 'partner.Partner', related_name='order_lines', blank=True, null=True, on_delete=models.SET_NULL, verbose_name=_("Partner")) partner_name = models.CharField( _("Partner name"), max_length=128, blank=True) partner_sku = models.CharField(_("Partner SKU"), max_length=128) # A line reference is the ID that a partner uses to represent this # particular line (it's not the same as a SKU). partner_line_reference = models.CharField( _("Partner reference"), max_length=128, blank=True, help_text=_("This is the item number that the partner uses " "within their system")) partner_line_notes = models.TextField( _("Partner Notes"), blank=True) # We keep a link to the stockrecord used for this line which allows us to # update stocklevels when it ships stockrecord = models.ForeignKey( 'partner.StockRecord', on_delete=models.SET_NULL, blank=True, null=True, verbose_name=_("Stock record")) # PRODUCT INFORMATION # ------------------- # We don't want any hard links between orders and the products table so we # allow this link to be NULLable. product = models.ForeignKey( 'catalogue.Product', on_delete=models.SET_NULL, blank=True, null=True, verbose_name=_("Product")) title = models.CharField( pgettext_lazy(u"Product title", u"Title"), max_length=255) # UPC can be null because it's usually set as the product's UPC, and that # can be null as well upc = models.CharField(_("UPC"), max_length=128, blank=True, null=True) quantity = models.PositiveIntegerField(_("Quantity"), default=1) # REPORTING INFORMATION # --------------------- # Price information (these fields are actually redundant as the information # can be calculated from the LinePrice models line_price_incl_tax = models.DecimalField( _("Price (inc. tax)"), decimal_places=2, max_digits=12) line_price_excl_tax = models.DecimalField( _("Price (excl. tax)"), decimal_places=2, max_digits=12) # Price information before discounts are applied line_price_before_discounts_incl_tax = models.DecimalField( _("Price before discounts (inc. tax)"), decimal_places=2, max_digits=12) line_price_before_discounts_excl_tax = models.DecimalField( _("Price before discounts (excl. tax)"), decimal_places=2, max_digits=12) # Cost price (the price charged by the fulfilment partner for this # product). unit_cost_price = models.DecimalField( _("Unit Cost Price"), decimal_places=2, max_digits=12, blank=True, null=True) # Normal site price for item (without discounts) unit_price_incl_tax = models.DecimalField( _("Unit Price (inc. tax)"), decimal_places=2, max_digits=12, blank=True, null=True) unit_price_excl_tax = models.DecimalField( _("Unit Price (excl. tax)"), decimal_places=2, max_digits=12, blank=True, null=True) # Retail price at time of purchase unit_retail_price = models.DecimalField( _("Unit Retail Price"), decimal_places=2, max_digits=12, blank=True, null=True) # Partners often want to assign some status to each line to help with their # own business processes. status = models.CharField(_("Status"), max_length=255, blank=True) # Estimated dispatch date - should be set at order time est_dispatch_date = models.DateField( _("Estimated Dispatch Date"), blank=True, null=True) #: Order status pipeline. This should be a dict where each (key, value) #: corresponds to a status and the possible statuses that can follow that #: one. pipeline = getattr(settings, 'OSCAR_LINE_STATUS_PIPELINE', {}) class Meta: abstract = True app_label = 'order' # Enforce sorting in order of creation. ordering = ['pk'] verbose_name = _("Order Line") verbose_name_plural = _("Order Lines") def __str__(self): if self.product: title = self.product.title else: title = _('<missing product>') return _("Product '%(name)s', quantity '%(qty)s'") % { 'name': title, 'qty': self.quantity} @classmethod
[docs] def all_statuses(cls): """ Return all possible statuses for an order line """ return list(cls.pipeline.keys())
[docs] def available_statuses(self): """ Return all possible statuses that this order line can move to """ return self.pipeline.get(self.status, ())
[docs] def set_status(self, new_status): """ Set a new status for this line If the requested status is not valid, then ``InvalidLineStatus`` is raised. """ if new_status == self.status: return if new_status not in self.available_statuses(): raise exceptions.InvalidLineStatus( _("'%(new_status)s' is not a valid status (current status:" " '%(status)s')") % {'new_status': new_status, 'status': self.status}) self.status = new_status
set_status.alters_data = True @property def category(self): """ Used by Google analytics tracking """ return None @property def description(self): """ Returns a description of this line including details of any line attributes. """ desc = self.title ops = [] for attribute in self.attributes.all(): ops.append("%s = '%s'" % (attribute.type, attribute.value)) if ops: desc = "%s (%s)" % (desc, ", ".join(ops)) return desc @property def discount_incl_tax(self): return self.line_price_before_discounts_incl_tax \ - self.line_price_incl_tax @property def discount_excl_tax(self): return self.line_price_before_discounts_excl_tax \ - self.line_price_excl_tax @property def line_price_tax(self): return self.line_price_incl_tax - self.line_price_excl_tax @property def unit_price_tax(self): return self.unit_price_incl_tax - self.unit_price_excl_tax # Shipping status helpers @property def shipping_status(self): """ Returns a string summary of the shipping status of this line """ status_map = self.shipping_event_breakdown if not status_map: return '' events = [] last_complete_event_name = None for event_dict in reversed(list(status_map.values())): if event_dict['quantity'] == self.quantity: events.append(event_dict['name']) last_complete_event_name = event_dict['name'] else: events.append("%s (%d/%d items)" % ( event_dict['name'], event_dict['quantity'], self.quantity)) if last_complete_event_name == list(status_map.values())[0]['name']: return last_complete_event_name return ', '.join(events)
[docs] def is_shipping_event_permitted(self, event_type, quantity): """ Test whether a shipping event with the given quantity is permitted This method should normally be overriden to ensure that the prerequisite shipping events have been passed for this line. """ # Note, this calculation is simplistic - normally, you will also need # to check if previous shipping events have occurred. Eg, you can't # return lines until they have been shipped. current_qty = self.shipping_event_quantity(event_type) return (current_qty + quantity) <= self.quantity
[docs] def shipping_event_quantity(self, event_type): """ Return the quantity of this line that has been involved in a shipping event of the passed type. """ result = self.shipping_event_quantities.filter( event__event_type=event_type).aggregate(Sum('quantity')) if result['quantity__sum'] is None: return 0 else: return result['quantity__sum']
[docs] def has_shipping_event_occurred(self, event_type, quantity=None): """ Test whether this line has passed a given shipping event """ if not quantity: quantity = self.quantity return self.shipping_event_quantity(event_type) == quantity
[docs] def get_event_quantity(self, event): """ Fetches the ShippingEventQuantity instance for this line Exists as a separate method so it can be overridden to avoid the DB query that's caused by get(). """ return event.line_quantities.get(line=self)
@property def shipping_event_breakdown(self): """ Returns a dict of shipping events that this line has been through """ status_map = OrderedDict() for event in self.shipping_events.all(): event_type = event.event_type event_name = event_quantity = self.get_event_quantity(event).quantity if event_name in status_map: status_map[event_name]['quantity'] += event_quantity else: status_map[event_name] = { 'event_type': event_type, 'name': event_name, 'quantity': event_quantity } return status_map # Payment event helpers
[docs] def is_payment_event_permitted(self, event_type, quantity): """ Test whether a payment event with the given quantity is permitted. Allow each payment event type to occur only once per quantity. """ current_qty = self.payment_event_quantity(event_type) return (current_qty + quantity) <= self.quantity
[docs] def payment_event_quantity(self, event_type): """ Return the quantity of this line that has been involved in a payment event of the passed type. """ result = self.payment_event_quantities.filter( event__event_type=event_type).aggregate(Sum('quantity')) if result['quantity__sum'] is None: return 0 else: return result['quantity__sum']
@property def is_product_deleted(self): return self.product is None
[docs] def is_available_to_reorder(self, basket, strategy): """ Test if this line can be re-ordered using the passed strategy and basket """ if not self.product: return False, (_("'%(title)s' is no longer available") % {'title': self.title}) try: basket_line = basket.lines.get(product=self.product) except basket.lines.model.DoesNotExist: desired_qty = self.quantity else: desired_qty = basket_line.quantity + self.quantity result = strategy.fetch_for_product(self.product) is_available, reason = result.availability.is_purchase_permitted( quantity=desired_qty) if not is_available: return False, reason return True, None
[docs]class AbstractLineAttribute(models.Model): """ An attribute of a line """ line = models.ForeignKey( 'order.Line', related_name='attributes', verbose_name=_("Line")) option = models.ForeignKey( 'catalogue.Option', null=True, on_delete=models.SET_NULL, related_name="line_attributes", verbose_name=_("Option")) type = models.CharField(_("Type"), max_length=128) value = models.CharField(_("Value"), max_length=255) class Meta: abstract = True app_label = 'order' verbose_name = _("Line Attribute") verbose_name_plural = _("Line Attributes") def __str__(self): return "%s = %s" % (self.type, self.value)
[docs]class AbstractLinePrice(models.Model): """ For tracking the prices paid for each unit within a line. This is necessary as offers can lead to units within a line having different prices. For example, one product may be sold at 50% off as it's part of an offer while the remainder are full price. """ order = models.ForeignKey( 'order.Order', related_name='line_prices', verbose_name=_("Option")) line = models.ForeignKey( 'order.Line', related_name='prices', verbose_name=_("Line")) quantity = models.PositiveIntegerField(_("Quantity"), default=1) price_incl_tax = models.DecimalField( _("Price (inc. tax)"), decimal_places=2, max_digits=12) price_excl_tax = models.DecimalField( _("Price (excl. tax)"), decimal_places=2, max_digits=12) shipping_incl_tax = models.DecimalField( _("Shiping (inc. tax)"), decimal_places=2, max_digits=12, default=0) shipping_excl_tax = models.DecimalField( _("Shipping (excl. tax)"), decimal_places=2, max_digits=12, default=0) class Meta: abstract = True app_label = 'order' ordering = ('id',) verbose_name = _("Line Price") verbose_name_plural = _("Line Prices") def __str__(self): return _("Line '%(number)s' (quantity %(qty)d) price %(price)s") % { 'number': self.line, 'qty': self.quantity, 'price': self.price_incl_tax}
# PAYMENT EVENTS @python_2_unicode_compatible
[docs]class AbstractPaymentEventType(models.Model): """ Payment event types are things like 'Paid', 'Failed', 'Refunded'. These are effectively the transaction types. """ name = models.CharField(_("Name"), max_length=128, unique=True) code = AutoSlugField(_("Code"), max_length=128, unique=True, populate_from='name') class Meta: abstract = True app_label = 'order' verbose_name = _("Payment Event Type") verbose_name_plural = _("Payment Event Types") ordering = ('name', ) def __str__(self): return
[docs]class AbstractPaymentEvent(models.Model): """ A payment event for an order For example: * All lines have been paid for * 2 lines have been refunded """ order = models.ForeignKey( 'order.Order', related_name='payment_events', verbose_name=_("Order")) amount = models.DecimalField( _("Amount"), decimal_places=2, max_digits=12) # The reference should refer to the transaction ID of the payment gateway # that was used for this event. reference = models.CharField( _("Reference"), max_length=128, blank=True) lines = models.ManyToManyField( 'order.Line', through='PaymentEventQuantity', verbose_name=_("Lines")) event_type = models.ForeignKey( 'order.PaymentEventType', verbose_name=_("Event Type")) # Allow payment events to be linked to shipping events. Often a shipping # event will trigger a payment event and so we can use this FK to capture # the relationship. shipping_event = models.ForeignKey( 'order.ShippingEvent', related_name='payment_events', null=True) date_created = models.DateTimeField(_("Date created"), auto_now_add=True) class Meta: abstract = True app_label = 'order' verbose_name = _("Payment Event") verbose_name_plural = _("Payment Events") ordering = ['-date_created'] def __str__(self): return _("Payment event for order %s") % self.order def num_affected_lines(self): return self.lines.all().count()
[docs]class PaymentEventQuantity(models.Model): """ A "through" model linking lines to payment events """ event = models.ForeignKey( 'order.PaymentEvent', related_name='line_quantities', verbose_name=_("Event")) line = models.ForeignKey( 'order.Line', related_name="payment_event_quantities", verbose_name=_("Line")) quantity = models.PositiveIntegerField(_("Quantity")) class Meta: app_label = 'order' verbose_name = _("Payment Event Quantity") verbose_name_plural = _("Payment Event Quantities") unique_together = ('event', 'line')
# SHIPPING EVENTS @python_2_unicode_compatible
[docs]class AbstractShippingEvent(models.Model): """ An event is something which happens to a group of lines such as 1 item being dispatched. """ order = models.ForeignKey( 'order.Order', related_name='shipping_events', verbose_name=_("Order")) lines = models.ManyToManyField( 'order.Line', related_name='shipping_events', through='ShippingEventQuantity', verbose_name=_("Lines")) event_type = models.ForeignKey( 'order.ShippingEventType', verbose_name=_("Event Type")) notes = models.TextField( _("Event notes"), blank=True, help_text=_("This could be the dispatch reference, or a " "tracking number")) date_created = models.DateTimeField(_("Date Created"), auto_now_add=True) class Meta: abstract = True app_label = 'order' verbose_name = _("Shipping Event") verbose_name_plural = _("Shipping Events") ordering = ['-date_created'] def __str__(self): return _("Order #%(number)s, type %(type)s") % { 'number': self.order.number, 'type': self.event_type} def num_affected_lines(self): return self.lines.count()
[docs]class ShippingEventQuantity(models.Model): """ A "through" model linking lines to shipping events. This exists to track the quantity of a line that is involved in a particular shipping event. """ event = models.ForeignKey( 'order.ShippingEvent', related_name='line_quantities', verbose_name=_("Event")) line = models.ForeignKey( 'order.Line', related_name="shipping_event_quantities", verbose_name=_("Line")) quantity = models.PositiveIntegerField(_("Quantity")) class Meta: app_label = 'order' verbose_name = _("Shipping Event Quantity") verbose_name_plural = _("Shipping Event Quantities") unique_together = ('event', 'line') def save(self, *args, **kwargs): # Default quantity to full quantity of line if not self.quantity: self.quantity = self.line.quantity # Ensure we don't violate quantities constraint if not self.line.is_shipping_event_permitted( self.event.event_type, self.quantity): raise exceptions.InvalidShippingEvent super(ShippingEventQuantity, self).save(*args, **kwargs) def __str__(self): return _("%(product)s - quantity %(qty)d") % { 'product': self.line.product, 'qty': self.quantity}
[docs]class AbstractShippingEventType(models.Model): """ A type of shipping/fulfillment event Eg: 'Shipped', 'Cancelled', 'Returned' """ # Name is the friendly description of an event name = models.CharField(_("Name"), max_length=255, unique=True) # Code is used in forms code = AutoSlugField(_("Code"), max_length=128, unique=True, populate_from='name') class Meta: abstract = True app_label = 'order' verbose_name = _("Shipping Event Type") verbose_name_plural = _("Shipping Event Types") ordering = ('name', ) def __str__(self): return
# DISCOUNTS @python_2_unicode_compatible
[docs]class AbstractOrderDiscount(models.Model): """ A discount against an order. Normally only used for display purposes so an order can be listed with discounts displayed separately even though in reality, the discounts are applied at the line level. This has evolved to be a slightly misleading class name as this really track benefit applications which aren't necessarily discounts. """ order = models.ForeignKey( 'order.Order', related_name="discounts", verbose_name=_("Order")) # We need to distinguish between basket discounts, shipping discounts and # 'deferred' discounts. BASKET, SHIPPING, DEFERRED = "Basket", "Shipping", "Deferred" CATEGORY_CHOICES = ( (BASKET, _(BASKET)), (SHIPPING, _(SHIPPING)), (DEFERRED, _(DEFERRED)), ) category = models.CharField( _("Discount category"), default=BASKET, max_length=64, choices=CATEGORY_CHOICES) offer_id = models.PositiveIntegerField( _("Offer ID"), blank=True, null=True) offer_name = models.CharField( _("Offer name"), max_length=128, db_index=True, blank=True) voucher_id = models.PositiveIntegerField( _("Voucher ID"), blank=True, null=True) voucher_code = models.CharField( _("Code"), max_length=128, db_index=True, blank=True) frequency = models.PositiveIntegerField(_("Frequency"), null=True) amount = models.DecimalField( _("Amount"), decimal_places=2, max_digits=12, default=0) # Post-order offer applications can return a message to indicate what # action was taken after the order was placed. message = models.TextField(blank=True) @property def is_basket_discount(self): return self.category == self.BASKET @property def is_shipping_discount(self): return self.category == self.SHIPPING @property def is_post_order_action(self): return self.category == self.DEFERRED class Meta: abstract = True app_label = 'order' verbose_name = _("Order Discount") verbose_name_plural = _("Order Discounts") def save(self, **kwargs): if self.offer_id and not self.offer_name: offer = self.offer if offer: self.offer_name = if self.voucher_id and not self.voucher_code: voucher = self.voucher if voucher: self.voucher_code = voucher.code super(AbstractOrderDiscount, self).save(**kwargs) def __str__(self): return _("Discount of %(amount)r from order %(order)s") % { 'amount': self.amount, 'order': self.order} @property def offer(self): Offer = get_model('offer', 'ConditionalOffer') try: return Offer.objects.get(id=self.offer_id) except Offer.DoesNotExist: return None @property def voucher(self): Voucher = get_model('voucher', 'Voucher') try: return Voucher.objects.get(id=self.voucher_id) except Voucher.DoesNotExist: return None def description(self): if self.voucher_code: return self.voucher_code return self.offer_name or u""