Source code for oscar.apps.dashboard.views

from datetime import timedelta
from decimal import Decimal as D
from decimal import ROUND_UP

from django.db.models import Avg, Count, Sum
from django.utils.timezone import now
from django.views.generic import TemplateView

from oscar.apps.promotions.models import AbstractPromotion
from oscar.core.compat import get_user_model
from oscar.core.loading import get_model

ConditionalOffer = get_model('offer', 'ConditionalOffer')
Voucher = get_model('voucher', 'Voucher')
Basket = get_model('basket', 'Basket')
StockAlert = get_model('partner', 'StockAlert')
Product = get_model('catalogue', 'Product')
Order = get_model('order', 'Order')
Line = get_model('order', 'Line')
User = get_user_model()

[docs]class IndexView(TemplateView): """ An overview view which displays several reports about the shop. Supports the permission-based dashboard. It is recommended to add a index_nonstaff.html template because Oscar's default template will display potentially sensitive store information. """ def get_template_names(self): if self.request.user.is_staff: return ['dashboard/index.html', ] else: return ['dashboard/index_nonstaff.html', 'dashboard/index.html'] def get_context_data(self, **kwargs): ctx = super(IndexView, self).get_context_data(**kwargs) ctx.update(self.get_stats()) return ctx
[docs] def get_active_site_offers(self): """ Return active conditional offers of type "site offer". The returned ``Queryset`` of site offers is filtered by end date greater then the current date. """ return ConditionalOffer.objects.filter( end_datetime__gt=now(), offer_type=ConditionalOffer.SITE)
[docs] def get_active_vouchers(self): """ Get all active vouchers. The returned ``Queryset`` of vouchers is filtered by end date greater then the current date. """ return Voucher.objects.filter(end_datetime__gt=now())
[docs] def get_number_of_promotions(self, abstract_base=AbstractPromotion): """ Get the number of promotions for all promotions derived from *abstract_base*. All subclasses of *abstract_base* are queried and if another abstract base class is found this method is executed recursively. """ total = 0 for cls in abstract_base.__subclasses__(): if cls._meta.abstract: total += self.get_number_of_promotions(cls) else: total += cls.objects.count() return total
[docs] def get_open_baskets(self, filters=None): """ Get all open baskets. If *filters* dictionary is provided they will be applied on all open baskets and return only filtered results. """ if filters is None: filters = {} filters['status'] = Basket.OPEN return Basket.objects.filter(**filters)
[docs] def get_hourly_report(self, hours=24, segments=10): """ Get report of order revenue split up in hourly chunks. A report is generated for the last *hours* (default=24) from the current time. The report provides ``max_revenue`` of the hourly order revenue sum, ``y-range`` as the labeling for the y-axis in a template and ``order_total_hourly``, a list of properties for hourly chunks. *segments* defines the number of labeling segments used for the y-axis when generating the y-axis labels (default=10). """ # Get datetime for 24 hours agao time_now = now().replace(minute=0, second=0) start_time = time_now - timedelta(hours=hours - 1) orders_last_day = Order.objects.filter(date_placed__gt=start_time) order_total_hourly = [] for hour in range(0, hours, 2): end_time = start_time + timedelta(hours=2) hourly_orders = orders_last_day.filter(date_placed__gt=start_time, date_placed__lt=end_time) total = hourly_orders.aggregate( Sum('total_incl_tax') )['total_incl_tax__sum'] or D('0.0') order_total_hourly.append({ 'end_time': end_time, 'total_incl_tax': total }) start_time = end_time max_value = max([x['total_incl_tax'] for x in order_total_hourly]) divisor = 1 while divisor < max_value / 50: divisor *= 10 max_value = (max_value / divisor).quantize(D('1'), rounding=ROUND_UP) max_value *= divisor if max_value: segment_size = (max_value) / D('100.0') for item in order_total_hourly: item['percentage'] = int(item['total_incl_tax'] / segment_size) y_range = [] y_axis_steps = max_value / D(str(segments)) for idx in reversed(range(segments + 1)): y_range.append(idx * y_axis_steps) else: y_range = [] for item in order_total_hourly: item['percentage'] = 0 ctx = { 'order_total_hourly': order_total_hourly, 'max_revenue': max_value, 'y_range': y_range, } return ctx
def get_stats(self): datetime_24hrs_ago = now() - timedelta(hours=24) orders = Order.objects.all() orders_last_day = orders.filter(date_placed__gt=datetime_24hrs_ago) open_alerts = StockAlert.objects.filter(status=StockAlert.OPEN) closed_alerts = StockAlert.objects.filter(status=StockAlert.CLOSED) total_lines_last_day = Line.objects.filter( order__in=orders_last_day).count() stats = { 'total_orders_last_day': orders_last_day.count(), 'total_lines_last_day': total_lines_last_day, 'average_order_costs': orders_last_day.aggregate( Avg('total_incl_tax') )['total_incl_tax__avg'] or D('0.00'), 'total_revenue_last_day': orders_last_day.aggregate( Sum('total_incl_tax') )['total_incl_tax__sum'] or D('0.00'), 'hourly_report_dict': self.get_hourly_report(hours=24), 'total_customers_last_day': User.objects.filter( date_joined__gt=datetime_24hrs_ago, ).count(), 'total_open_baskets_last_day': self.get_open_baskets({ 'date_created__gt': datetime_24hrs_ago }).count(), 'total_products': Product.objects.count(), 'total_open_stock_alerts': open_alerts.count(), 'total_closed_stock_alerts': closed_alerts.count(), 'total_site_offers': self.get_active_site_offers().count(), 'total_vouchers': self.get_active_vouchers().count(), 'total_promotions': self.get_number_of_promotions(), 'total_customers': User.objects.count(), 'total_open_baskets': self.get_open_baskets().count(), 'total_orders': orders.count(), 'total_lines': Line.objects.count(), 'total_revenue': orders.aggregate( Sum('total_incl_tax') )['total_incl_tax__sum'] or D('0.00'), 'order_status_breakdown': orders.order_by( 'status' ).values('status').annotate(freq=Count('id')) } return stats